Sunday, 13 November 2011

Motherboard Parts:


1. Motherboard Parts 
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Motherboard Parts:

When your computer is turned on the motherboard is in charge of booting up and 
runs that is in the basic input output system which is the BIOS. The BIOS is 
in charge of testing and preparing the hardware inside your  rig and once it 
is done it hands off control to the OS (operating system). The BIOS is stored 
on a small flash drive which is usually around 2 - 4 megabytes. It is possible 
to update it.

CPU Socket:
This is a socket which contains your CPU that your board accommodates. Make 
Sure when installing yu heat sink that you do not hit/break the capacitors near 
Your CPU since sometimes they are placed close by.

Expansion Slots:
New mobs support a variety of PCI and Pci-Express expansion slots. If you add 
a new mob to your current rig you shall be able to add new and better 
Functionalities to your computer such as a better graphics card and better 
Sound card. A new long black slot has been implemented onto the motherboards 
Which is a x16 PCI-E slots and there are the new small ones which are x1 PCI-E 
Slots. The white slots, usually white, are the old PCI slots.

Memory Slots:
The are the slots that carry and run your RAM. The place where they have been 
located and shape have not changed much since their original creation.Now the 
slots are capable of holding more and faster RAM than in te past. They are 
also able to carry either Single or Dual channel RAM.

North Bridge:
The motherboard's North Bridge is usually covered with a fan now A days since 
it acts as an interface between the graphics card and the CPU and between the 
RAM and the CPU. The North Bridge is also responsible for communicating with 
the South Bridge. The North Bridge usually runs the extra features such as the 
high speed USB ports and Lan and extra PCI-E slots. North Bridges need to be 
cooled since they are packed with as many if not more transistors than a CPU. 
If you see that your motherboard is acting sluggish, you could most of the 
time blame it on you North Bridge.

SATA Ports:
SATA ports are Serial ATA ports which are used to connect HardDrives to your 
computer. Soon enough CD-Rom Drives will be using this interface as well. The 
ports are quickly removing the old parrallel ports known as ATA or PATA. Both 
of the above mentioned ports will be seen around for a long time still to come.

South Bridge:
The South Bridge is usually covered only by a heatsink which controls all 
optical drives and hard drives, USB ports and PCI and PCI-E ports. The South 
Bridge is usually giving the North Bridge a helping hand when needed but now 
that there is an increasing emphasis on hard drives, USB connections and 
expansion cards the South Bridge is getting more attention. Just a year ago 
the South Bridges usually never needed heatsinks since they didn't do much but 
now things have changed and since they move so much information they  now need 
a heatsink.

Other Components:
Motherboard manufactures always have the chance of adding little extras that 
will get them more customers compared to their competitors. These parts can 
vary in performance. If  a SATA Raid Chip, Texas Instrument FireFire 
controller and a Gigabit Lan chips are added on you may want to first  hit the 
internet after writting down the chip make and model to do some research 
before purchasing that selected board.


I would like to thank IGN for hosting this guide for me as well.
I would like to thank all of the great companies who make motherboards 
continously in order to make the technology that they provide to be the top of 
the line.


  This FAQ is ¿2005 Greg Monkiewicz. You can not take this Faq and sell it, 
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